Tuesday 17 February 2009

Day 5 of Rehabilitation

Swelling around the knee has reduced considerably. Bruising is becoming more prominent on my calf. Frustratingly, I still cannot get beyond 90 degrees leg bend at the knee. It is not necessarily painful just feels impossible to go any further. I am slightly concerned that the physio appointment on Friday will involve forcing the knee a bit further. I can put a fair amount of weight on the knee now but still worry about over doing it. Hopefully, my appointment on Friday will clear up a few of these issues.

I actually left the house for the first time today. The girls had a birthday party to go to at the local ball park. As unexciting as that sounds, it was great to get out of the house. It's half-term week, and with the girls being off school, the TV is dominated by Barbie and Disney Princess stuff. Bored senseless, I cannot even choose the viewing material from the sofa.

I am still sticking to quite a strict regime of exercise followed by icing. I hope it is paying off and in a sadistic sort of way, I am actually looking forward to the first appointment on Friday.

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